Friday, September 10, 2010

I can't have nice things

I am so done!

I know I'm going to get alot of hell for this, so people just shove it! I don't wanna hear about it!

As people know I've had alot of phone issues over the last few years. Being stolen, broken, blah blah blah. Well,I told myself when I got my blackberry that if something happened to it at all, I was done. I was meant not to have a nice phone.

Well I was working on Mom and Dad's grandparents' gifts a little while ago and my phone was on the TV stand. CJ got it and threw it before I could get to it and it landed screen done. Now the bottom the screen is fucked up and it's pretty much unusable. I mean it's still use able but barely. Without the bottom half of the screen I can't see anything or even send a text message. For that reason I am convinced I cannot have a nice phone. At all.

No matter what I do, no matter how well I take care phones, I always get fucked...hard!

I'm so sick of it!


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