Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Life Check In

It's been a while since I wrote in here. Over a month to be exact.

I've been actually asked why do I even have this blog? I rarely update it and actually spent most of my time the last four months updating my pop culture blog. (of which btw I will only be posting in two more times before I close it)

Well the facts are I just haven't had any ambition to sit and write.

Life has been up and down and so busy that it's hard to sit and write about it.

Over the last month I've gone through alot in my head. Looking at my life, looking at the person I had become, the person I was becoming. I needed some time to take a step back and look around and analysis some stuff.

It's hard to believe it's June already. The Stanley Cup Finals are going on already.

It feels like only yesterday I was looking forward to going to Vegas and the only concerts on the horizon was Rodney Atkins and Imagination Movers. Me and Mandy were about to renew our lives together and CJ was starting the year at Ebenezer.

One other thing I've noticed about this year so far is the same thing I say every year. You never end the year with the same relationships and friendships that you started with and for those who are always there no matter what, those are the lucky few.

It's taken alot this year, and this not just me, but to weed through those who hurt you, those who just want to get drunk, those who don't want to just hang out once and a while and just talk, is the best thing to do.

Now looking at the rest of the year, the calendar at the moment is pretty wide open. CJ is starting at his new school tomorrow, the next big things to look forward to are Cassie and Chris's wedding and state fair.

There's alot of time between now and end of the year to have more adventures like the first half of year.

But if I don't update as much, just realize it's not because I don't want to, it's because I don't have the time to because life is too busy to have time and type.

Oh...a couple of quick things.

#1, to Jersey people. There's a very good chance that I won't be making an appearance out east till 2012, so I extend an invitation to my best friends out there to come visit us. I do this every year but no one bites. (okay only one person ever has since me and Mandy got married) Let's see if anyone does this year.

#2, the curse of phones continues with me. The charging mechinism on my phone broke on Sunday night so if you are looking to get in touch with me I'm living through my IPod Touch till my temporary replacement comes in. So the easiest way to get in touch with me is going to be on facebook and through email, or gchat if you have it.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad someone is looking forward to our wedding. I am a wreck lately.
